Enhance Your

Natural Health Practice

A Revolutionary Approach to Treating Pain & Discomfort!

Now Accepting New Students

Massage Therapists - Chiropractors - Physical Therapists - Personal Trainers, Etc.

1 Class Can Change Your Life & Practice!*

Class size is limited!

Send NO $ Now

Registration details will be emailed to you

Do NOT miss this opportunity!

  • Step Away From the Competition!
  • Find Your Passion For Helping People Again!
  • Avoid Physical Burn-Out!
  • Let Word-of-Mouth Build Your Practice!

With The Emmett Technique

  • Are you struggling to find new clients? Spending countless hours or money networking or marketing, with little to no results?
  • Are you providing a lasting change/correction for your client that can change their life?
  • Are your clients sending you referrals? Are you seeing 2-3 (or more) new clients per week?

Let me ask you a couple questions...

I want to share with you the method I use that has changed my practice and my life.

I used to struggle to market myself and my practice. Then, about 3 years ago I was introduced to this unique technique.

Now I am changing lives and spending my time doing the work that I love - not spinning my wheels trying to market myself.

My clients are doing that for me! Through word-of-mouth referrals my new client count has increased by 3x to an average of 2.4 per week - that's over 100 per year!

See How The Emmett Technique Changes Lives!

Classes Now Scheduled in 3 U.S. Cities

Cokato, MN - Burlington, VT - Greensboro, NC

See schedule details below

In this 2 day class you will:

~ Experience the quickness and effectiveness, both giving and receiving the Emmett moves with hands-on, interactive training

~ Learn the foundational moves to get you started in this technique

~ Hear a great introduction to Ross Emmett and how he developed this amazing treatment technique.

Emmett Practitioner Training Module 1-2 will get you started on an Amazing journey

Sign Me Up!

Save YOUR Hands,

Arms & Body!

Avoid Burn-out,

Continue to do what you love,

Help people Quickly and Easily!

Quick, Easy Results

Experience the amazing results within the first easy to learn move!

Help Others With These Moves Immediately!

Your in-class experience and take home material will help you change lives!

Approved for Continuing Education Credits with the NCBTMB.

Started in Australia.

Now in 40 Countries And Growing Quickly!!

The Emmett Technique


Astounding Results

Over 15 years of dealing with restrictions, corrected within a minute and a half!!

Jill L'Esperance

Certified Advanced Emmett Practitioner & Instructor

"This technique has changed my life, my practice and clients' lives! I transitioned from a very successful deep-tissue practice to a method that continually astounds me and my clients!

"I have more than tripled my annual new client count in less than 2 years by word-of-mouth alone!

"Clients drive in from hours away, and are looking to refer to therapists in other parts of the country."

We NEED more therapists and I can't wait to work with you!

Save My Spot!

See What Students & Clients have said...

"This is not at all what I expected! - It surprises me that no one else offers this muscle therapy approach. It is a common sense solution that all of us in our professional fields should be looking at in an effort to bring a full circle of health and wellness to our clients. This approach compliments what we are striving so hard to complete in giving our clients the results they desire."

Christina C, Owner of 7 Snap Fitness Centers

Noel L., Student and Client

"The positives from self-treatments and helping others made taking the class definitely worth the effort!"

"I have been using this technique on pregnant women prior to birth to help facilitate balance, and during labor to help with muscle release. It has shown to be very effective for releasing tension during labor."

Kateri K., Doula

Anonymous student feedback

"I enjoyed the workshop! This workshop surpassed all my expectations! Excellent value for the money. I feel I will be able to help my friends and family. Also, my neck and arthritis are pain free now!"

Greensboro, NC

Friday, March 20th &

Saturday, March 21st, 2020

8:30 am - 4:30 pm

Burlington, VT

Saturday, March 28th &

Sunday, March 29th

8:30 am - 4:30 pm

Cokato, MN

Friday, May 1st &

Saturday, May 2nd, 2020

8:30 am - 4:30 pm

Class Schedule - Venue specifics will be sent to you upon registration

Separate Yourself

from the competition

Full class details will be sent to you shortly.

You will not be billed for anything at this time!

This amazing 2 day class is only $450 USD

Save $20 by registering for the Early Bird Special

(Details will be shared once you register)

Get Started Now!

*The Module 1-2 class is a starting point to a great addition to your practice, or a new career. You will become a Certified Emmett Practitioner after successfully completing the first 6 modules plus a review and written test. Details about this and The Emmett Technique will be shared in class or can be found on the Australian website. https://emmett-technique-hq.com/courses/emmett-practitioners-course

This is not a job opportunity and it is your responsibility to find ways to use this technique in your practice.