Spirit Quest

in Peru!

June 2-15, 2019

el espiritu de peru

Quick! When you think of Peru, what's the first thing that comes to mind? Let me guess....

Machu Picchu, right?

How does the Sacred Fortress of Kuelap, the holy citadel in the clouds, 1000 years older than Machu Picchu, sound instead?

These are the kinds of things I've been exploring, and am incredibly excited to share with you what I've discovered!

We’ll experience two very special areas in the North: The Moche Route, and Chachapoyas. With, of course, an extension to Machu Picchu, Cusco and the Sacred Valley.

-Greg Roach, founder

And of course we are adding many of the signature Spirit Quest flourishes you've come to expect - like timing the trip to coincide with the Raymi Lacta Festival in Chachapoyas.

Their will be plant wisdom, nature bathing, spa, wellness, shamanic wisdom, mediation, gorgeous lodgings, incredible meals, all the things that make a true Spirit Quest.

Discover how the ancient people of Peru have managed the balance of the physical, emotional, and spiritual bodies.

Gain access to many of the most popular sacred sites and also some of the most hidden, remote healing areas of this beautiful land, while journeying to your own source and inner knowing.

The natural landscape of Peru is powerful, breathtaking, and incredibly varied - from soaring mountain ranges, to gorgeous primeval forests and stunning views that edge into infinity...

We will drink deeply from this great healing spring, renewing our souls and recharging our bodies and minds.

Trip Highlights

3 Nights at Hotel B

Immersive tour of colonial Lima

World renowned Museo Larco

The remarkable Huaca Pucllana pyramids

Gorgeous "ballet folklorico" at Brisas del Titicaca


5 Nights at Gocta Lodge

2 Nights at Los Horcones de Tucume Hotel Chiclayo

Gocta Waterfall - 3rd highest in the world

Revash Mausoleum

The Sacred City of Keulap

Raymi Llacta Festival

El Brujo Archaeological Complex (Lady of Cao)

Shamanic ritual on the grounds of Huaca el Brujo - "the pyramid of the wizards"


3 Nights Moche Sanctuary Lodge

Trujillo city tour

Archeology Museum

Pyramids of the Sun & Moon

Ancient city of Chanchan



Extension to Machu Picchu, Cusco

& the Sacred Valley

4 Nights Marriott (Inka room)

1 Night Sumaq Mapi Hotel

Cusco city tour

Sacred Valley

Hiram Bingham train to Machu Picchu

Lots of Spirit Quest surprises!

Main trip


Immerse yourself in private healing ceremonies with a variety of masterful healers. Explore the next step of your spiritual evolution. Connect with your own self-knowledge, intuition and inner health while enjoying fabulous healthy meals and resting in private bungalows, charming hotels and peaceful retreat centers. Join us as we build a bridge between the indigenous wisdom keepers and our modern world.

Dbl occupancy

$1250 Single supplement


Dbl occupancy

$960 Single supplement


$500 Holds your spot!!
